
Karin Grundström is professor in architecture.

Since my employment at the department of urban studies in 2010, my service includes research, teaching and supervision. In my research I combine theoretical and designerly architectural approaches with theory and methods from social science and present results in verbal as well as visual forms – in research articles and in exhibitions. Theoretically, my research is based in the daily use of the built environment, in practiced and lived space and in people’s shaping of the built environment. My on going research comprise issues of how people share housing, how people appropriate public space and how spatial justice can be supported in urban planning. I currently the Formas-funded research project ‘Revisiting Allmänningar and Stråk. Spatial Justice in the 21st Century Urban-Rural Land Regime (2020-2025)’. I am the programme coordinator for the Urban Studies Master's and the Nordic Urban Planning Master's. I am the academic coordinator for the PhD-education and the Collegium for doctoral studies at the department of Urban studies, and, a member of the board of research and research education at the Faculty of Culture and Society. Since 2023 I am the research leader for the environment Stadens Rum /Cities.

Previous research projects: 2020–2024– Sharing Housing in Times of Housing Inequality. Formas. 2018–-2019 – Att göra allmänningar. Statens konstråd. 2014–2019 – CRitical Urban Sustainability Hub (CRUSH),Formas. 2011–2015 – Urban Separatism, Ethnic and Social Segregation in Sweden, Formas. 2011–2015 – Transforming Dual Cities, a Study of Integrating Sustainability through Urban Passages of Mobility, Formas.