
Katrine Bendtsen Gotfredsen is lecturer in Caucasus Studies and holds a doctoral degree in anthropology from the University of Copenhagen. She has done extensive ethnographic fieldwork in the Republic of Georgia and her research focuses in particular on subjects such as political transformation and uncertainty, religion, history, identity and morality, and political forms and practices. Recent works include her PhD thesis entitled "Evasive Politics: Paradoxes of History, Nation and Everyday Communication in the Republic of Georgia" (2013), the journal articles “Void Pasts and Marginal Presents: On Nostalgia and Obsolete Futures in the Republic of Georgia” (Slavic Review, 2014) and "Enemies of the people: Theorizing dispossession and mirroring conspiracy in the Republic of Georgia." (Focaal—Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology, 2016), and the co-authored monograph Georgian Portraits. Essays on the Afterlives of a Revolution (with med Martin Demant Frederiksen).

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