Associate Professor/Vice Dean
+46 40 665 72 06
Magnus Andersson, associate professor in economic geography at Urban Studies since 2013. Andersson is active as a researcher in quantitative geography with a focus on spatial analysis of sustainable economic development in particular Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs). Processes linked to economic growth, socio-economic change, and infrastructure investment are of interest to his research agenda. Research is financed by various funding agencies such as Vinnova, STINT, K2 - National knowledge center for public transport.
Magnus' teaching is mainly focused on urban economic geography, GIS, statistics, and internationalization of real estate markets. Inspiration for teaching takes place through repeated stays at foreign universities and with the help of invited guests from Swedish and foreign universities.
Cooperation with the society is an important part of Magnus' agenda. On an international level, Andersson has been participating since 2011 as a researcher and advisor within the framework of the UN's work to implement global sustainable development goals. Appointed member of the United Nations Group of Ten High-level Representatives of Civil Society, Private Sector, and Scientific Community to Promote Science, Technology, and Innovation for the SDGs 10-Member-Group (https://sdgs.un.org/tfm/ten-member-group) for 2024 to 2025 with the task to develop multi-stakeholder collaboration for sustainable development. On a national level, Magnus participated as an investigator for the Swedish Transport Administration within the framework of alternative design of new fast train lines with a particular focus on effects for housing construction and the housing market as well as consequences for planning in the municipalities and regions close to the investment.
Alongside work, Magnus has a great interest in languages and speaks Swedish, English, German and Thai fluently and is developing his skills in Lao, Turkish and Danish.