Main research interests: working-class literature, literature and the precariat, comics, urbanity in literature, literature and ethnicity, marxist literary theory, and heavy metal.
I am the leader of the project "Precariat, Precarity and Precariousness in (Post-) Welfare-State Scandinavian Literatures", which is funded by the Swedish Research Council.
I am also one of the editors of the book series Malmö University Studies in Class and Culture.
Selected publications in English:
Working-Class Literature(s): Historical and International Perspectives, (co-edited with John Lennon, University of South Florida). The collection is presented in this film, with English subtitles.
"Swedish working-class literature and the class politics of heritage". In: Heritage labour and the working classes, (eds.) L. Smith, P. Shackel and G. Campbell. London: Routledge 2011
A summary in English of the main argument in my book "Den föreställda mångkulturen: Klass och etnicitet i svensk samtidsprosa" (Imagined Cultural Diversity: Class and Ethnicity in Conteporary Swedish Prose Fiction) can be found here