
Malin Lindroth is associate professor in Health and Society, field of sexology and sexuality studies and since March 2023 also been an affiliated researcher at the Centre for Sexology and sexuality studies. Ongoing research at MaU concerns the student health care teams´ work with sexual and reproductive rights (SRHR), young LGBTQ+- people in state care and sexual practices among young people in relation to antibiotic resistance.

Lindroth is a supervisor for Robin Björkas (MaU) who studies social work concerning sexual health for young people with substance use and for AnnaChuChu Schindele (MaU) who explores social conditions for the fulfilment of SRHR among youth and young adults in Sweden. She is co-supervisor for Nada Amroussia who examines the field of young migrants and SRHR, and for Anna Lindskog (GU) who studies sexual health within forensic psychiatric care.

Research Projects