Martin Stigmar is professor of higher education pedagogy. Martin teaches and researches higher education pedagogy with a focus on the role of teacher, supervisor and mentor. The research maps whether there is a common content in supervisor training for different professions (teachers, psychologists, specialist doctors and specialist dentists) and how the courses are organized. What are the coordination benefits of interprofessional tutor courses?
A research project that Martin participates in focuses on reasons why doctoral students do not complete their doctoral education with a particular focus on the relationship between supervisor and doctoral student. what can be done to prevent dropouts and what characterizes a good supervisory relationship?
Another research interest is assignments for and organization of higher education pedagogical units and their courses. The research focuses on what different stakeholders (students, university teachers and university management) have for expectations of the content of higher education pedagogical courses and how the courses can be planned and implemented. How can higher education pedagogical courses be organized so that the wishes of several different stakeholders are fulfilled?
Martin also conducts research on learning and information and communication technology (ICT) as well as flexible education. In connection with the corona pandemic, the research project was initiated: The Corona Crash Course: COVID19 and Digitization – Consequences for Higher Education for Teaching and Learning. The research focuses on how the rapid transformation and digitalisation of higher education affects university teachers' professional identity and practice.
Police training is also part of Martin's research interests with the aim of exploratively describing and analyzing how knowledge requirements are formulated in governing documents when the police profession meets the academy. The focus is on the knowledge requirements that are written out in the various police programs' syllabi during the first semester and examine what similarities and differences there are.