
Contact person:
Karin Grundström
  • Formas – Research Council for Sustainable Development
Responsible at MaU:
Karin Grundström
Project members at MaU:
Time frame:
01 December 2019 - 31 December 2025
Research environment :
Research subject:

About the project

Densification, privatisation and polarisation in the post-industrial urban-rural landscape, risks leading to unsustainable, unequal and unjust access to and distribution of valued public spaces in support of recreation, health, democratic influence and freedom of movement. In contrast to this development, the aim of the project is to investigate spatial justice by analysing usage and planning of allmänningar [commons] and stråk [pathways], i.e. public spaces that connect urban and rural environments and socio-economically and ethnically segregated neighbourhoods.

The project investigates commons and pathways in Malmö, Lund and Staffanstorp in three work packages.

  1. Historical traces. Analysis of historical definitions and a regional mapping show significant commons and pathways still in use.
  2. Planning. Analysis of regulations, rules and economic incentives show the relation between planning of commons and pathways and socio-economic and ethnic segregation.
  3. Practices. Critical mapping on paper and in apps; workshops; interventions and walk-alongs show use and access of different user-groups to nine commons and pathways.

The project evolves in close collaboration with users, artists, the three municipalities, national and international research- and teaching environments. Results will be presented in research articles, a co-written book and an exhibition.

The long-term goal is to counteract fragmentation and support an environmentally and socially sustainable city/landscape. The research project also comprises an international advisory board and a national reference group.