Illness, no matter how severe, causes an interruption in a person's daily life and a subsequent period of recovery/rehabilitation. The research group focuses on recovery/rehabilitation after illness, both cancer and other medical conditions that require health care interventions and where the disease or treatment has negative consequences for the sick individual and/or their family.

Our Research

The research group welcomes interprofessional as well as interdisciplinary projects. Included projects are encouraged to involve theories and concepts such as self-care, self-care agency, self-efficacy, fundamentals of care, person-centered care and caregiver-centered care. With the research we wish - in accordance with the goal of the Department of Care Sciences - to contribute to equal health and care during a period of life when individuals, together with their relatives, recover from illness and treatment.

Other ongoing research projects

Recovery – Concept Definition

The project aim to identify key components of recovery that are similar regardless of what one recovers from.

Participating in the project are Jenny Jakobsson, Rebecka Striberger, Anna Eriksson from Malmö University, as well as Mia Hylén and Matilda Ahlmgren.

Contact: Jenny Jakobsson

Recovery after Cytoreductive Surgery with Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC): From a Patient and Family Perspective

In two studies, patients and family members respectively are being interviewed about their experiences of the recovery process.

Jenny Jakobsson, Maria Samuelsson from Malmö University, and Pernilla Bangsparr are participating in the project.

Contact: Jenny Jakobsson

Prepare to Prevent- Family members

An educational intervention is developed to prepare nursing students to support family members which can prevent ill health as an effect of their position as informal caregivers.

Participating in the project are Maria Samuelsson and Merita Neziraj from Malmö University.

Contact: Maria Samuelsson 

Research group facts

  • Sven och Dagmar Saléns Stiftelse
Research subject: