Our researchers participate in several different events and contexts at and outside the university to make research visible and accessible. It can take the form of talks, research presentations, exhibitions, competitions, academic festivals and more.

Upcoming conferences

International research conferences are important meeting places for scientific discussion, knowledge sharing and networking. Malmö University organises a number of scientific conferences annually.

Our upcoming conferences

Upcoming dissertation defences

Doctoral education ends with a public dissertation in which the doctoral student defends his or her doctoral dissertation. The dissertations are open to anyone interested.

Upcoming dissertation defences

Performance Lectures

In a performance lecture, a researcher and a cultural actor come together on stage to share knowledge about research with an audience.

Malmö snackar

'Malmö Talks' takes the pulse of the present and current events, with the help of researchers and guests. It is a collaboration between Malmö University and Sydsvenskan. Malmö Talks takes place at the restaurant Grand in Malmö and is always free and open to all.

Listen to Malmö snackar as a pod (in Swedish)

Fråga Malmö

'Ask Malmö' is a quiz where five faculty teams compete against each other.

The quizmaster is comedian Fritte Fritzson, winner of Swedish television's quiz programme På spåret. The answers are followed up by an expert panel on stage comprising five researchers from Malmö University. The event is a collaboration with the Student Union Malmö. The quiz is in Swedish.

The Researchers gallery

The Researchers Gallery shows ongoing and current research at Malmö University. The exhibitions are created in collaboration between the library and researchers at the university and are displayed in the White Box exhibition area at the Orkanen Library.

Read more about The Researchers Gallery