Dear SAYP participants!

Now it's only a little more than two weeks before you arrive in Malmö. We are looking forward to meet you!

Here are two more videos that briefly introduce some of the topics of the course:

As with preparations part 1, we would like you to (anonymously) contribute with some thoughts - in this case on sustainability.

SAYP WB Response 2

We are interested in your personal opinions, based on the context/level that you want to highlight - it can be in general, or it can be in local, regional or national governance contexts. You don't have to name your country, region or city - our interest is more general.

You are not required to answer all questions, and your answers can be long or very short. It is not in any way mandatory, and we know that you are all very busy. But we would be most grateful if you would be able to spend a few minutes sharing your thoughts with us. All data will be handled strictly confidential, and might also be used for research purposes.

Looking forward to meet you all in Malmö!