In a few weeks you will be arriving in Malmö and the Summer Academy for Young Professionals, hosted by Malmö University. Already you have had some material that provides an insight into our city and the University. There is some additional information available at Malmö University home page (for incoming international students, which means that a lot of the information is not that relevant to you, but some might be anyway)

Arrival guide to Malmö University

I have also created a webpage with an overview of some aspects I think are interesting in the history of Malmö. 

A history of Malmö

We have also recorded a few videos with the intention of introducing you to the topics that we cover, and about Malmö. Two of them - an introduction to the Summer Academy, and an introduction to Malmö and Malmö University, are published here: 

You have provided us with some background on yourselves and your expectations for the SAYP course. However, we would like you to (anonymously) contribute with some thoughts on course-specific topics. For this, we have created a google form:

SAYP WB - response 1

We would like you to share your thoughts on public servants/public administration. We are interested in your personal opinions, based on the context/level that you want to highlight - it can be in general, or it can be in local, regional or national governance contexts. You don't have to name your country, region or city - our interest is more general.

You are not required to answer all questions, and your answers can be long or very short. It is not in any way mandatory, and we know that you are all very busy. But we would be most grateful if you would be able to spend a few minutes sharing your thoughts with us. All data will be handled strictly confidential, and might also be used for research purposes.

There will be a preparation part 2, also with videos, that will be published on July 16. 

Looking forward to meeting you all in Malmö!