Associate Professor/Senior lecturer
+46 40 665 81 23
I am senior lecturer in sport science and have a doctoral degree in human geography with a special focus on urban development and planning. My research mainly focuses on spatial issues in connection to sport and physical activity, from an everyday perspective as well as a marketing and tourism-oriented perspective.
I am equally interested in research, teaching and educational issues, and co-operation and communication with different stakeholders outside the academy. At the moment, my current research and leadership work includes:
-Research in three ongoing projects: CHANGE – Cooperation for change management and innovation in sports; Movements and Transitions in Everyday School Life; The Swedish sports movement ́s reactions to Covid 19.
-Disseminating research results (e.g. from the project Equalizer – a tool for equal and inclusive activity places.
-Leading the sport management track of the sport science programme.
-Developing the sport management field within Malmö Idrottsakademi (Malmö Sport Academy).
-Board work in EASM – European Association for Sport Management.
-Engaging in sport/event-related debates.
Examples of publications:
• Book, K. & Högdahl, E. (2022). Equalizer: breaking down the barriers at informal outdoor sport and recreational spaces. Leisure Studies, Ahead-of-print, 1-17.
• Book, K., Hedenborg, S. & Andersson, K. (2022). New spatial practices in organised sport following COVID-19: the Swedish case, Sport in Society, Vol. 22 No. 7, pp. 1343-1358.
• Book, K. (2022) Dags att tänka nytt om platser för idrott och fysisk aktivitet. Centrum för idrottsforskning. Idrottsanläggningar – i dag och i morgon: Om behov, tillgänglighet och konkurrerande intressen. Rapport 2022:2.
• Book, K. & Svanborg Edén, G. (2020). Malmö – The Skateboarding City: A Multi-¬Level Approach for Developing and Marketing a City through User-¬Driven Partnerships. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, Vol. 22 No. 1, pp. 164-178.
• Book, K. (2017). Physical Activity, Self-Organized Sport, and Sustainable Urban Development. Routledge Handbook on Sport, Sustainability and the Environment. Routledge.
• Book K. (2016) Idrotten i den fysiska planeringen. FoU-rapport 2015:2. Riksidrottsförbundet, Stockholm.
• Book K. (2016) Idrottsgeografi – Fysisk aktivitet äger rum. Hedenborg (red.) Idrottsvetenskap – En introduktion. Studentlitteratur, Lund.
• Book K. (2015) Att utveckla idrottens anläggningar. Fahlén & Karp (red.) Idéer för idrottsutveckling. SISU Idrottsböcker.
• Linde P. & Book K. (2014) Performing the city – exploring the bandwidth of urban place-making through new media tactics. Ehn m fl (red.) Making futures - marginal notes on innovation, design and democracy. MIT Press, Cambridge MA.
• Book K (2014) Idrottens hållbara rum och arenor. I gråzonen – en antologi om idrottens etiska utmaningar. Centrum för idrottsforskning, Stockholm.
• Book, K. (2013). Place Marketing or Sustainable Development – or neither nor: Reflections on the Winter Olympics in Sochi 2014. The Sochi Predicament: Contexts, Characteristics and Challenges of the Olympic Winter Games in 2014. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
• Book, K & Carlsson, B. (2011). A diagnosis of environmental awareness in sport and sport policy. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, Vol. 3, No. 3, November 2011, 401–416.
• Book, K. & Eskilsson, L. (2010). Coming Out in Copenhagen: Homo sports events in city marketing. Sport in Society, vol 13, no 2, 314-328.
Editor of the following sport management-related volumes:
• Bäckström, Å; Book, K. Carlsson, B; Fahlström, P-G. (eds.) (2020) Sport management, del 3. Idrottens marknader och konsumtionskultur. Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker.
• Bäckström, Å., Book, K., Carlsson, B & Fahlström, P-G. (eds.) (2019) Sport management. Del 2. Styrning och samhällsengagemang inom svensk idrott. Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker.
• Bäckström, Å., Book, K., Carlsson, B & Fahlström, P-G. (eds.) (2018) Sport management. Del 1. Idrottens organisationer i en svensk kontext. Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker.
• Book, K. & Carlsson, B. (eds.) (2008) Idrott och city marketing. Förlaget Idrottsforum.org, Malmö.