
Contact person:
Fredrik Mohammadi Norén
  • Umeå University
Responsible at MaU:
Fredrik Mohammadi Norén
  • Humlab (Umeå universitet)
Collaborators :
  • Project researcher: Johan Jarlbrink (Umeå University)
Time frame:
01 January 2023 - 31 December 2024

About the project

The purpose of SweDeb is to make the recently annotated Swedish parliamentary debates since 1920 available to a broader research community. The project will develop an online system – SweDeb – that will enable researchers to access and explore this unique material via an online tool. Humlab – the centre for digital humanities at Umeå University – will be the host of this research infrastructure. SweDeb will be related to the parallel projects Welfare State Analytics (Westac, VR 2019–2024) – where Mohammadi Norén is involved – and Swedish Riksdag 1867–2022 (Swerik, RJ 2023–2026) where Mohammadi Norén is PI. Westac has marked up the parliamentary debates with metadata from 1920 and onwards, and Swerik will continue this work back in time. The SweDeb interface will be built by a system developer at Humlab.