Women's and men's housing situations and economic equality
- Contact person:
- Martin Grander
- Financer:
- Swedish Gender Equality Agency
- Responsible at MaU:
- Martin Grander
- Project members at MaU:
- Time frame:
- 15 September 2024 - 28 February 2025
- Faculty/department:
- Research environment :
- Research subject:
About the project
The aim of the research project is to contribute to new and in-depth knowledge about women's and men's conditions and circumstances in the housing market. The research will also contribute to an increased understanding of the link between housing, finances, and well-being from a gender equality perspective and to an increased knowledge of the development of economic equality in Sweden. The research examines whether and in what ways women and men's housing situations differ and what consequences this has for women's and men's living conditions, with a particular emphasis on finances, establishment and opportunities for development in the labor market.
This is done by using register data to investigate individuals' housing situations and how these affect other parts of life and patterns of inequality and gender inequality. The survey is conducted with an intersectional perspective where age and country of birth are particularly relevant statistical intersections. Another important perspective is possible regional differences. The hypothesis is that different housing situations can create unequal outcomes in living conditions and life chances, and that there may be a difference between women and men, not least based on groups of women and men's different economic conditions and thus unequal opportunities to get and keep a home.
The study examines how individuals' housing situation affects geographical mobility, employment, education level, income development, wealth development, and ill health. Questions explored in the research:
- How do different individuals' housing situations arise depending on their socio-economic position and gender?
- How can these differences be understood as a result of inequality and inequity in the housing market? And can it be linked to housing policy?
- How do inequalities and inequities in housing situations affect the living conditions of women and men?
- How can such causes and consequences in housing pathways be understood from a gender equality perspective?
The research is funded by the Swedish Gender Equality Agency and will result in a research report. The report will form the basis for the proposals for information initiatives and other measures to reduce economic inequality that the Swedish Gender Equality Agency will submit as part of its assignment to the Government.