

I am Associate Professor in Education and my background is in Political Science and Science and Technology Studies (STS). The common denominator in my research concerns notions, discourses and ideas about what education is, who should be educated, and what the purpose of education is. In addition, my research is permeated by various critical perspectives, with inspiration from e.g., feminist and sociological theories.

In recent years, I have studied how the notion of childhood is understood in a world where the future seems dark and threatening. Today, I mainly work with research on how civil servants and guardians view the conflict between private and public goods in relation to school allocation and school choice. I am the PI of the research project Comprehensive school allocation through school choice: How local civil servants organize for freedom of choice and equal opportunity funded by the Swedish Research Council (2024–2027).


I function as the Editor-in-Chief of the book series Malmö University Critical-Vitalist Studies in Childhood, Education and Society; as Chair of the Faculty of Education’s Council for Quality of Theses Projects (KVALEX); Chair of the Faculty of Education’s Nominating Committee; and Editorial Borad Member of Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology Journal (RERM). I am also a member of the editorial board of the online magazine School and Society (in Swedish).