
Jenny Jakobsson is Associate professor at the Department of Care Science and a Specialist nurse in surgical care. Jenny value research that is grounded in patients experiences, and clinically applicable. Her main research interest concerns care of surgical patients and especially how patients experience recovery after surgery. Jenny is the leader of two research groups: Cancer and Illness Rehabilitation (CaRe) and Measures for Change. The CaRe research group focuses on recovery after disease, both after cancer and other medical conditions that require interventions from the health care and where the disease or treatment has negative consequences for the sick individual and/or their family. The research group Measures for Change focuses on translation and psychometric evaluation of instruments as well as the development of new instruments. Instruments that are tested or developed by the group should be able to measure a change and thus be useful in clinical or educational activities.

Jenny has also a pedagogic focus on her research. Therefore she is connected to the research platform Research Informed Development of Higher Education, RIDHE. Within the framework of RIDHE, the project Setting Priorities for Research on Interprofessional Learning in Health Care Education is conducted, which aims to identify, with the help of students, teachers and clinicians, the most central research questions regarding interprofessional learning. The method is inspired by the structure described by the James Lind Alliance. Further, together with colleagues at the University of Central Missouri, the instrument Cap-ExpresS is undergoing a translationprocess with a subsequent psycometric testing. This instrument aims at self-assessment of supervisors' perceptions of how prepared they are to supervise in clinical practice. The research team in Malmö also consists of Professor Elisabeth Carlson, Senior professor Mariette Bengtsson, and Assistant senior lecturer Elin Taube.