
I am a Senior Lecturer in Educational Sciences and have a background as subject teacher in Secondary school, in mathematics and natural science. In my research, I am interested in issues of international and national knowledge measurement and education policy. An interest that has grown out of it is about the relationship between research / science and the surrounding society, not least for school's activities and in school organizations' systematic quality work. As part of that research, I have, together with colleagues in the research project Education Inc., studied the involvement of commercial educational actors in the school system and what it means both for these actors and for the conditions of the school. In my research, I have also investigated the interaction between research, media and education policy/politics. Since 2022, I am part of an international research network called STS in Education, STudieS, which includes researchers with a common interest in science studies.

My teaching is mainly in the teacher training programs, about issues such as the organization of the school system, evaluation and assessment, school development and the school's scientific basis and proven experience. I also have an assignment as a supervisor in Samverkan Bästa Skola, a school development initiative from the Swedish National Agency for Education.

Research Projects

You can find previous research projects in the Diva database.