The research group in sports science is interdisciplinary and conducts social science research on teaching and learning about movement, body, health, and sustainability. Studies are conducted in several areas such as the school subject of physical education, sustainable movement education, the teaching profession, outdoor education, artistic and aesthetic learning processes, and health and sustainability issues.

MEES draws inspiration from different philosophical and theoretical traditions. Our research is characterised by its ability to address social, psychological, and material dimensions of teaching and learning where movement, body, health, and sustainability are in focus. On this basis, a rich variety of methods and designs are used to conduct empirical investigations and development projects.


The activities of the research group are conducted in line with the research profile for sport science at Malmö University where research is multidisciplinary and closely linked to society. Based on a collegially organised context, the group works to strengthen the department's research environment in terms of teaching and learning about movement, body, health, and sustainability.

The group works with theoretical and methodological developments empirical research, quality review of research and research applications, collaboration activities with teachers and schools, and in-service material for practitioners. We run several externally funded research projects, are active in two international graduate schools, and work to support education and competence development.


Research projects

Collaboration partners

Through various projects and positions of trust, MEES has several collaboration partners both nationally and internationally. In particular, we cooperate with the Laboratory for Teaching Practices (TepLab) at Uppsala University in terms of seminar activities and quality review of research.

Laboratory for Teaching Practices (TepLab)
