The sports sector produces positive societal benefits in the form of, for example, better health and involves a large number of people. But the sector is also criticized for its inability to include all, and the growing commercialization. The sector also affects climate and biodiversity negatively. Research on sport and sustainability in all its dimensions is the focus of our research group.

Our Research

Addressing issues under the umbrellas of sustainability issues, the social, economic and ecological sustainability, is arguably the business of every sector and every individual. The research group Sport Sciences for Sustainability is formed to meet the complex challenges of sport. The extensive globalisation, commercialization and professionalization of sport in recent decades has rather increased than reduced the negative effects of sport. A decreasing proportion of children and young people are involved in a sports association and the costs of being involved have increased. In addition, sport's ecological footprint in the form of travel, facilities and use of natural resources is large. Research on how this can change is needed. It is also important to develop knowledge about and models for behavior change and innovation, at the individual and, more importantly, organizational level, to reduce the negative impact of sport.

Research group facts

  • Centrum för Idrottsforskning
  • Mistra
  • Vinnova
  • EU (Erasmus+)
Research subject: