The Centre for Sexology and Sexuality Studies carries out multidisciplinary research on sexuality from social science, humanistic, medical and clinical perspectives. Our aim is to develop and stimulate faculty-wide research in sexology and sexuality studies, and also to strengthen national and international research collaboration within the field.

Our vision is to shed light on issues of sexuality in an integrated way. Our research center has an important role to play – sexuality is an ever-current issue.

Charlotta Holmström, Director

Our research

The centre was established with the intention of further strengthening the University's position as a focal point for national and international research, in parallel with educational and professional development in the field of sexuality. Our research focusses on structural frameworks, institutional contexts, and individual experiences, comprising three main themes:

Sexuality, norms and politics

The research theme highlights how different forms of societal interventions and legal measures produce and reproduce ideas about sexuality, gender, and relationships. Research related to this theme examines, for example, how sex education takes shape, LGBTQ+ experiences in relation to legislation on migration, and various perspectives on the criminalization of the purchase of sex.

Sexual and reproductive health, intervention, and prevention

In this area, researchers examine different forms of societal interventions to prevent sexual and reproductive ill health and sexual vulnerability. Projects within this theme investigate, for example, how social care and school healthcare address sexual and reproductive health and rights, young adults' knowledge of sexual practices in relation to antibiotic resistance, and sexual rehabilitation after acquired brain injury.

Sexual experiences and practices

The theme highlights sexual experiences and practices at a relational and individual level. Themes covered include, for example, infidelity, female genital cutting, involuntary childlessness, men's experiences of sexual violence, living with inflammatory bowel disease, and sexual consent in digital communication.


Doctoral course: Sexuality and sexual health in the 21st century

The course is aimed to assist doctoral students in the (multidisciplinary) field of sexuality, research, and sexual health in finalizing their dissertation work/research and preparing them for future research/academic careers. 

Course description and more info


Researchers at CSS

Total hits: 31

Amroussia, Nada

PhD in Health and society studies with a background in Public Health. Nada earned her doctorate at Malmlö University with a dissertation on sexual health among young people with migration experiences. In a collaborative project between Malmö University and RFSU, she is researching strategies to ensure accessible sexual and reproductive healthcare for young people with migration experiences. The project will involve a series of workshops with key stakeholders, including youth, healthcare providers, and conuselors. 

Hammarström, Sofia

Development manager at Knowledge Centre for Sexual Health within Region Västra Götaland, Sweden. PhD from Linköping University within the field young people at risk of sexual ill-health.

Contact Knowledge Centre for Sexual Health

Hall, Ida Elisabet

BSc in social work, MSc in Sexology. Ida is a PhD candidate at Lunds University. Her dissertation focuses on assisted reproduction, aiming to explore partners' experiences and perceptions of their role during assessment and treatment. Ida also investigates how fertility care understands the partner's role as well as their own role in caring for this group.

Contact Ida Elisabet Hall

Jolof, Linda and Rocca, Patricia
Linda Jolof and Patricia Rocca work at The Swedish Red Cross Treating Center in Malmö, Sweden. Linda is an authorized psychologist and Patricia is an authorised physiotherapist. Part of the collaboration is also Anette Carnemalm, manager at the Swedish Red Cross Treating Center in Malmö.

Contact The Swedish Red Cross Treating Center in Malmö

Khairallah, Layla
Social worker with a Master's degree in Sexology. Layla is a doctoral student at Mälardalen University, Sweden. Her work is about socially corrosive behaviour (Swe. socialt nedbrytande beteende) among youths in the meaning of 3 § LVU, which she analyses using gender theories, also focusing on sexuality.

Contact Layla Khairallah

Mejías Nihlén, Theodor
Lic. psychologist and sexologist and PhD student at the Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning (IBL), Linköping University, Sweden. Theodor's research is about minority stress and minority joy in transgender people. The research is part of the research group Queer psychology in Sweden.

Contact Theodor Mejías Nihlén

Åkeflo, Linda

Researcher at the Department of Care Science and Health, University of Gothenburg. Linda wrote her thesis on radiotherapy and sexual health effects among female pelvic cancer survivors.

Contact Linda Åkeflo


Advisory Board

Advisory Board


Mariah Larsson, Professor, Department of Film and Literature, Linnaeus University


  • Jesper Fundberg, Associate Professor, Department of Police Work, Malmö University
  • Carina Listerborn, Professor in Urban Planning, Department of Urban Studies, Malmö University
  • Karin Örmon, Associate Professor, Department of Care Science, Malmö University
  • Katarina Görts Öberg, Doctor of Medicine and Psychologist, ANOVA, and Head of Unit for Sexual Medicine, Karolinska University Hospital
  • Niclas Olsson, Development Secretary, Sexual Health, Malmö city
  • Niels Ulrik Sørensen, Professor and Deputy Manager at The Danish Centre for Youth Research (CeFU), Aalborg University, Denmark
  • Suzann Larsdotter, Social worker and Sexologist, Sexualbyrån Suzann Larsdotter

Senior Research Group

  • Ann-Cathrine Bramhagen, Associate Professor, Department of Care Science, Malmö University
  • Bodil Liljefors-Persson, Professor, Department of Society, Culture and Identity, Malmö University
  • Catrine Andersson, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, Malmö University
  • Charlotta Carlström, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, Malmö University
  • Charlotta Holmström, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, Malmö University
  • Eva Elmerstig, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, Malmö University
  • Mats Lundström, Associate Professor, Department of Natural Science, Malmö University
  • Vedrana Vejzovic, Associate Professor, Department of Care Science, Malmö University