This department runs one of the country’s largest preschool teacher training programmes, as well as primary teacher training specialising in after-school recreation.

Education at Childhood, Education and Society

Education at the Department of Children, Youth and Society is designed to advance knowledge of children’s learning, emphasising play, development and meaning-making.

Childhood and Learning

The specialisation Childhood and Learning involves the study of childhood and the learning and living conditions of younger children. One important element of the subject is preschool didactics with an emphasis on play, development and meaning-making, as well as the development of preschool learning environments. The preschool’s quality, pedagogical development and roots in an educational philosophical understanding of its activities and conditions are areas in which the department works, both in education and research.

Recreation Instructor

The primary teacher degree specialising in after-school recreation includes the advance course Recreation Instructor in combination with one of the following subjects: visual arts, sports and health or music.

Research at Childhood, Education and Society

The department’s research is conducted from humanistic and social science perspectives with a focus on preschool teaching, historical and social aspects of childhood and education, after-school activities and pedagogical philosophy.

Research groups, researchers, publications and projects 

Institutionens forskargrupper

The department has four actively working research groups:

Historical-Political Studies of Childhood, Education and Society (HPS)

At the department, historical-political studies is a field of knowledge that deals with historical and political issues concerning education and upbringing in a broad sense. Theoretically, we are interested in the conditions and possibilities of social science criticism, focusing on phenomena such as civic education, educational institutions, educational leadership, educational programmes, student health and digitalisation.

Contact: Jonas Qvarsebo

Philosophical Studies of Education (PFS)

At the department, pedagogical-philosophical studies constitute a field of knowledge that deals with issues of education and pedagogy in its broadest sense. Working at the intersection of the history of ideas, philosophy, and pedagogy, with both analytical and continental traditions orientations, it explores the metaphors, examples and vocabulary available to practising educators and educational researchers. Although the research encompasses a wide range of methodological and theoretical approaches, the focus is often on exploring and testing the conceptual and ideational foundations of educational thinking.
Contact: Johan Dahlbeck

Sociological and Sociological Studies of Childhood, Education and Society (SBS)

At the department, sociological and childhood sociological studies constitute a field of knowledge that deals with children's lives and childhood in and outside preschool, after-school centres and schools. The research focuses on how discourses, actors and institutions contribute to shaping childhoods and living conditions based on concepts such as class, gender, ethnicity, age, place/space, and culture. The research profile encompasses various theories and methods from the human and social sciences.
Contact: Anne Harju

Didactic Studies of Childhood, Education and Society (DS)

At the department, didactic studies is a field of knowledge that deals with issues concerning relationships between children, teachers and the content of education. The research focuses on teaching and educational processes at the intersection of childhood, education, and society. Didactics is here characterised by being both practical and theoretical in nature, which includes scientific foundations and proven experiences in collaborative research. Furthermore, the research profile is characterised by a ‘multi-voiced didactics’, which includes general didactics, content-focused didactics/subject didactics, and special education didactics.
Contact: Ann-Christine Vallberg Roth

About the research groups

The research groups conduct both basic and applied research. They contribute to current research in teaching and in collaboration with external actors. The groups are active in national and international networks, conferences, and publication forums, discuss scientific texts, apply for research funding and support the group members' qualification processes and doctoral projects. The work is done through seminars and research days at the department.

Head of Research: Liselott Mariett Olsson

Total hits: 36


The department collaborates with other higher education institutions, municipalities, individual preschools and after-school centres through research projects and continued professional development, all within the framework of childhood studies and professional preschool teaching and recreation centres.

Contact us to collaborate with our students, PhD-students or researchers.