Organisation studies at Malmö University study leadership, organisation, work, and business administration in relation to societal challenges. It is specialized in studies of sustainability, gender, inclusion, and other kinds of societal challenges in relation to organisations.

Organisation Studies focus on the public and private sectors as well as NGOs from the spirit of critical thinking and global engagement. Organisation Studies have a strong theoretical and empirical base and apply a wide spectrum of methodological perspectives and research methods.

Organisation Studies is anchored at the Department of Urban Studies but spans across several departments and faculties. Organisation Studies also include researchers from The Department of Global Political Studies, the Department of Social Work, the Department of School Development and Leadership and the Department of Society, Culture, and Identity. The following research environments are parts of organisation studies.

  • Leadership and organisation group is focused on leadership, sustainable leadership, diversity in organisations, public organisation and inter-organisational collaboration.
  • The Centre for Work Life and Evaluation Studies (CTA) is a multidisciplinary research centre with a focus on working life, leadership, organisation, work environment and safety climate
  • The Business administration group is focused on research in business administration, entrepreneurship, business development, transport management and logistics.

Researchers, publications and projects

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Doctoral studies in Organisation studies

Malmö University offers doctoral studies in organisation studies. 

Organisation Studies at Malmö University takes its point of departure in societal challenges and studies local, regional, and global activities, sustainability, and inclusion in organisations. Organisation Studies requires interaction between theorising and empirical-based research. The research area has a broad theoretical base and comprises a wide spectrum of methodological perspectives and research methods.