Criminology is the study of crime. It is a multidisciplinary subject that addresses the development and causes of criminality at an individual as well as societal level, measures for its prevention and alleviation of its consequences.

At the Department of Criminology, we focus on why some children and adolescents develop criminal behavior, and why some continue to commit crimes while others do not. We also focus on why certain places report more crime and are perceived less safe compared to other places. Another research area at the department is exposure to crime, for example violence against women and hate crime. In education as well as research, we collaborate with external actors such as the police. We also evaluate and develop new methods to increase safety and reduce crime.

Education at the Department of Criminology

The department provides education in criminology at bachelor's and master's levels, both in the form of programmes and independent courses. Search for available courses in criminology

The bachelor’s programme is made up of theoretical, methodological and subject-specific courses. Parts of the programme have a more applied focus which gives the students an opportunity to use their knowledge of theory and methodology in practice in collaboration with social institutions and other actors such as the police. The independent courses provided within the programme (criminology I-III) can, in combination with other selected courses, lead to a bachelor’s degree in criminology.

The master’s programme is an international programme that students from all over the world attend to further their career opportunities and deepen their knowledge of criminological theory and research. The students are provided with specialised knowledge of prevention and intervention within the fields of crime, substance abuse and mental illness.

Research at the Department of Criminology

The research conducted in the field of criminology at Malmö University has a broad focus. We conduct research on why some people become offenders or victims, why some places have more crime than others, and what can be done about it. We also study related phenomena such as fear, mental health problems and substance abuse. Much of our research is related to four themes; why people commit crimes, the geography of fear and crime, victimology including hate crime, and evaluation of crime prevention. 

Researchers, publications and projects

Total hits: 30
Total hits: 22

Doctoral studies

Most of the research at the Faculty of Health and Society is interdisciplinary, which opens up opportunities for new and exciting fields of research beyond the subject divisions that have traditionally existed between medicine and social sciences.

Collaborate with us

Collaboration with us can take many forms, linked both to our research and the education we provide.

Contract courses

We offer continuing professional development for your staff in the form of courses tailored to meet your wants and needs. You will benefit from access to the latest research and to the disciplinary range offered by the University. Previously we have, for example, taught courses for the police on crime, fear and crime prevention.

Contact Mikael Matteson for more information about our contract courses

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