The Institute for Urban Research (IUR) seeks to consolidate and widen the strong urban research environment, including doctoral education, at Malmö University.

Future social, ecological and economic challenges are all strongly linked to urbanisation processes.

Guy Baeten, Director

Our research

IUR addresses social, economic and environmental challenges emanating from urbanisation processes.

Drawing on case studies from around the world, IUR integrates knowledge from various disciplines to propose possible solutions to urban societal challenges. The institute engages with citizens, civil society, private actors and public authorities to communicate our research results and find ways to implement solutions. The main themes of our research themes are housing and urban renewal, social sustainability, urban migration, urban economics, mobilities, smart cities and urban ecology.

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Total hits: 13

Urban Matters

Urban Matters, a popular science journal published by IUR, publishes urban research articles and commentaries on urban events, processes, trends and discussions of urban pasts and futures. It also publishes interviews with urban experts and artists, photo essays and book reviews. The Editorial Board encourages combining academic rigueur with journalistic flair to present quality analyses of urban matters to a broader public that includes communities beyond academia. 

Read more about Urban Matters

IUR website

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