History and history didactics are areas of research within the humanities and are of great relevance to the study of societies, cultures and individuals. The research examines both the past and mediations of history to explain how people, institutions, organisations and societies experience and construct their present. As researchers, we analyse both history and the present to understand and explain societal changes and their implications.


At Malmö University, the history and history didactics subject is based at the Department of Society, Culture and Identity. Still, researchers in history can be found in several departments and faculties. In the department's research in history, the time perspective extends mainly from the Middle Ages to the present, but with an emphasis on modern history. Profiled specialisations in the research are oral history, social and cultural history and political history. We research social and cultural movements, migration, life stories and popular culture from different theoretical perspectives. A significant part of the research is characterised by an effort to study and explore people's living conditions and experiences and to make the perspectives, learning, cultural heritage and history of previously marginalised groups visible.

History Didactics

History didactics research includes historical culture, the communication of history and the use of history in society, as well as education-oriented history didactics research. Within the socially oriented history didactics, research is conducted on political and popular cultural uses of history, such as music, computer games and historical re-enactment. Educational research includes both studies of existing history teaching and developmental research on how history can be taught.

Critical heritage studies

The Department of Society, Culture and Identity also has strong research in critical heritage studies. This includes popular and public history, memory production and the accessibility of history to diverse audiences. We develop knowledge about heritage as a historical and cultural process, as well as about museums, collections and memorials. Our research concerns the activation and development of cultural heritage through memory activism, heritage pedagogy and methods of participation and co-creation.

Research in history and history didactics is characterised by dynamic collaborations between researchers in history, history education and critical heritage studies.

Researchers, publications and projects

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