The Faculty of Odontology at Malmö University is one of the world’s leading institutions of dental education and research. It was established in 1948 and is regarded as one of the most influential centres of excellence in Scandinavia for oral and dental research.

The high quality of both education and research has advanced and improved over the years which has led to an excellent international reputation, including numerous nominations and awards. The Faculty’s international profile attracts staff members and students from all over the world.


The Faculty of Odontology only accepts Erasmus+ Trainee candidates from our partner universities.

Education programmes

At the Faculty of Odontology (often called "Tandvårdshögskolan"), you can study to become a dentist, dental hygienist or dental technician. Each professional role contributes with unique competence to the dental care team and the interaction between the professional groups is emphasised in the training courses.

Challenge-based learning and the Malmö model

In our courses, a pedagogical model called challenge-based learning (utmaningsbaserat lärande – UBL) is used. It means that the student themselves, to a large extent, takes responsibility for finding knowledge to be able to solve problems that may arise in professional life.

This also means that the students in the dental training and dental hygienist training early on in the training treat patients in the University Dental Clinic. The dental technicians participate in the corresponding way in work-based practical studies at external laboratories.

Our programmes are taught in Swedish

Our undergraduate programmes are entirely taught in Swedish. One of the entry requirements is proficiency in Swedish, equivalent to the level of the Swedish upper secondary school course “Swedish 3” (Svenska 3/Svenska som andraspråk 3).

Postgraduate education

Approximately 50 students are registered for post-graduate research training, and a handful of theses are published and defended for the Doctoral degree every year. Each year, 130–150 scientific papers are published, mainly in international journals.

International Master's Programmes in Dental Science

Malmö University offers two international Master's programmes in Dental Science. These programmes offer dental professionals from around the world the opportunity to pursue advanced studies at the Faculty of Odontology, leading to a master's degree. 

Two-Year Master's Programme

Our two-year Master's programme aims to provide students with advanced knowledge and skills in dentistry, with a particular focus on a specific subfield. The program also includes basic research training and experience in independently planning and conducting a research project under the guidance of an experienced researcher. Upon graduation, students will be able to:

  • Review scientific literature
  • Participate in the planning and execution of research and development within the profession
  • Serve as a resource in their chosen clinical subfield

The Master's degree also qualifies students for further research studies, such as a PhD.

Three-Year Clinical Master's Programme

The three-year clinical master's program is designed to train students to become competent professionals in their field. This requires a deep understanding of general biological and scientific principles. Critical, evidence-based reasoning is achieved through participation in and leadership of seminars, as well as through studying related literature in the subject. Clinical skills are honed through the treatment of a variety of patients.

The programme can be offered in the following specialties:

  • Cariology
  • Endodontics
  • Implantology
  • Materials Science and Technology
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
  • Oral Pathology
  • Oral Surgery
  • Orofacial Pain and Jaw Function
  • Orthodontics
  • Periodontology
  • Prosthodontics

These programmes are only offered as commissioned education.

Register your interest

If you are interested in receiving more information about our programmes and the application process, please fill out the form below. By registering your interest, you will receive updates and information about the programmes, application deadlines, and other relevant details.

Register your interest



Research at the faculty spans a broad spectrum: from molecular biological studies of oral tissues to wide-ranging studies of oral health among different generations, social classes and cultures. International collaboration is a common theme, and there is frequent research co-operation across disciplinary boundaries.

Researchers at the Faculty of Odontology collaborate across subject and faculty boundaries. Together with surface chemists, for example, they study the properties of surfaces, in order to better understand reactions in the oral cavity.

To solve problems, they also rely on research findings in disciplines such as molecular biology, microbiology, radiology, implant technology, and mechanics; subjects to which they can also contribute specialist knowledge of their own.

Collaboration with psychologists, educators, and sociologists gives substance to research dealing with oral health problems associated with people's behaviour and with social and economic factors. 

Join the SCON research projects

Scandinavian Center for Orofacial Neurosciences (SCON) are seeking partners for six research projects in oral medicine, orofacial pain and prosthodontics. The funding partners can contribute researchers who also will have the possibility to apply and be admitted to the full PhD programme at the University.

In 2014, management from the Department of Dental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Faculty of Odontology, from Malmö University Department of Dentistry, and from Aarhus University, signed a formal memorandum of agreement to establish the Scandinavian Center for Orofacial Neurosciences (SCON).

The overall idea behind SCON is to bring together in a brickless center (as a virtual network) leading Scandinavian groups in the field of orofacial neurosciences — including oral physiology and orofacial pain — in order to strengthen research activities and impact on education and clinical treatment in oral rehabilitation, for the benefit of patients and society.

The SCON partners have common research interests and master several overlapping techniques in addition to unique complementary expertise. The combined portfolio of techniques and experiences span from molecular biology, genotyping, advanced electrophysiology, quantitative sensory test, to randomised clinical trials, epidemiology and evaluation of cognitive and psychosocial function. Through SCON, the partners aim to provide cutting-edge research results and to constitute an attractive alternative to other major international centres in the field by recruiting the best young research talents and securing external funding.

The research projects

All research projects are related to orofacial neurosciences in a broad sense and with a particular focus on oral medicine, orofacial pain and oral function. Each research project is composed of three to four separate studies leading to three to four publications in international peer-reviewed journals. A strength for all projects will be the significant interaction between the SCON partners and the possibility to conduct a sub-part of the research project at another SCON site. Further details about the projects can be found here

Our partnership

Our funding partners within the research programme will be able to assist with researchers who can carry out parts of the research. The researchers will also have the possibility to apply for the full PhD programme at the Universities. Read more about this opportunity here.

SCON: Contact and questions

For general questions regarding the application process please contact Swedish HealthCare Academy via:

Tel: +46 40 6118200 
Fax: +46 40 127810
Mobile: +46 705 127 816
E-mail: Nils Persson, Swedish HealthCare Academy

For specific questions regarding the SCON-research projects please contact:

Malmö University:
Professor Thomas List

Aarhus University:
Professor Peter Svensson

Karolinska Institutet:
Professor Mats Trulsson

Researchers, publications and projects 

Total hits: 70
Total hits: 21