
  • Nordforsk FORMAS
Ansvarig vid Mau:
Gunnhildur Lily Magnusdottir
Projektmedlemmar vid Mau:
Externa projektmedlemmar:
  • Annica Kronsell University of Gothenburg
  • Jón Geir Pétursson University of Iceland
  • Nina Tynkkynen Åbo University
  • Genovaité Liobikiene Vytautas Magnus University
01 november 2024 - 31 oktober 2027


Despite the critical role of gender in climate transitions, existing policies often lack sensitivity to gender. Our research aims to bridge this gap by exploring the institutional practices of climate institutions and understanding the challenges associated with integrating gender considerations into climate policies. While Nordic countries exhibit progressive gender profiles, there is a notable lack of awareness regarding the connection between gender and climate change within their climate institutions.

The research project recognizes that achieving gender equality in the climate transition involves more than just increasing female representation in policy-making bodies. It emphasizes the need to comprehend the institutional practices that either hinder or facilitate gender-aware policy-making. Building on previous research in Sweden, the project conducts a comparative analysis across the Nordic and Baltic states to gain a more comprehensive understanding.

The project's overarching questions revolve around the integration of gender into climate policy-making, the institutional challenges impeding gender inclusion, and potential policy options to promote an inclusive and gender-sensitive climate transition. To address these questions, the project adopts mixed methods: mapping representation, policy analysis, surveys and elite interviews.