Derek Stanford
072-546 68 34
Derek Hutcheson (Malmö universitet) är professor i statsvetenskap vid Institutionen för globala politiska studier (GPS) och prodekan vid Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle. Han har publicerat forskning om postsovjetisk politik, såväl som om valen, valdeltagande, transnationellt medborgarskap, valrättigheter och lokal demokrati. Han har varit programkoordinator i Europastudier vid två lärosäten (University College Dublin och Malmö universitet), och har haft ett långt samarbete med Global Citizenship Observatory (tidigare EUDO-Citizenship) vid Europeiska universitetsinstitutet i Florens och forskningsvistelse i bl.a. Australien.
Derek Hutcheson is Pro Dean of Malmö University's Faculty of Culture and Society (KS), and was from 2019-23 Vice Dean for Doctoral Education. He is Professor of Political Science in the Department of Global Political Studies (GPS); previous head of the European Studies programme (2014-21); and active in the Faculty's Russia and the Caucasus (RUCARR) research platform.
He has researched extensively on Russian and post-Soviet politics, as well as the comparative study of electoral politics, transnational citizenship and electoral rights across Europe and elsewhere; and on local democracy in Scandinavia and Russia. Prior to working in Sweden, he was head of European Studies at University College Dublin (2006-2013) and an ESRC and British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow at Glasgow University (2002-05). He has also had a long association with the Global Citizenship Observatory (formerly EUDO-Citizenship) at the European University Institute in Florence, and has been a visiting fellow at the Australian National University in Canberra.
Recent research projects include the ICLD-funded project on 'Legitimacy, urban planning and sustainability in Russia and Sweden' (LUPSRUSS, 2017-19, 2020-21: http://wpmu.mah.se/rucarr/research/lupsruss/), and the EU-funded project, 'Fostering Awareness, Inclusion and Recognition of EU mobile citizens’ Political Rights' (FAIREU) (2017-19) [https://faireu.ecas.org/]
He is fluent in English, Russian, German, Swedish and Danish.